Bionic P&O

Patient Registration

Welcome to Bionic P&O

Our goal is to respectfully provide you with the highest quality orthotic or prosthetic care to help you maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. We continually strive to improve our processes in order to ensure you are receiving the best possible care and that you and your referring physician and/or physical therapist are actively involved in the process. Please take a moment to read the HIPAA information below and the Communications and Photo Consent Form, the Medicare Supplier Standards, and the Notice of Privacy Practices before proceeding with entering your information in our online Patient Intake Form. If you have any questions at any time, please call our office at (219) 791-9200 for further assistance.

Consent for the Use and Disclosure of
Protected Health Information

By signing below, you consent to the use and disclosure of your protected health information by Bionic P&O, our staff, and our business associates for treatment, payment and health care operations purposes. For a more detailed description of our uses and disclosures of protected health information, please review our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices ("Notice"), which you acknowledge receiving on this date. You have the right to review our Notice prior to signing this consent.

The terms of this Notice may change. If the terms do change, you may obtain a revised Notice by simply contacting us at (219) 791-9200 and requesting a revised Notice. You have the right to request that we restrict our uses or disclosures of your protected health information that we are otherwise permitted to make for treatment, payment and health care operations, although we are not required to agree to these restrictions. However, if we agree to further restrictions, they are binding on us. Finally, you have the right to revoke the consent in writing, except to the extent that we have taken action in reliance on it.

Please sign by entering your name and date of birth below. Your Name:       Your Date of Birth: //